OMG Funny Story…Well It’s Funny NOW Anyways

September 18, 2009 at 4:12 pm (House, Rants)

So I’m doing laundry the other night and I look to my right. My furnace is next to my washer and there are pipes and black tubes that run up and down. And I see something looking back at me. Like right at eye level. And I jump back, and I look again, and I’m like “OMG its a mouse!”. So ok, cool, its a mouse, no big deal.

So I go a little closer to grab its tail and get rid of it. Except, there is no tail. And I look at it again and it has fucking FANGS. That’s right my friends, and godddamn WINGS. It was a BAT hanging upside down on the pipes next to my head!

It was dead – thank whoever it is you pray to. Seriously, a freakin’ BAT in my house. I’ve never seen one that close. So anyways…

When I realize its a bat I go kinda running and fall backwards out the back door screaming like a 4 year old. Then burst into tears. That lasted about 10 minutes.

Then I decided to get a plastic bag and try to not touch that discusting thing (they’re seriously nasty, sick animals) and get it out of my laundry room.

Yea, a BAT. I’m scared to do laundry anymore. Luckily I have talked to many people and they have all assured me that it was probably just one bat that got in and couldn’t get out. I’ll tell ya what, if I see another I’m moving.

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For the Love of Bob

September 18, 2009 at 4:00 pm (Dog, House, Weekend)

Its not like I’m SO BUSY I can’t update my blog my friends, I’m just lazy! Let’s see… what’s up?

Mom came out last week and helped me paint the dressing room upstairs. Looks good! It’s almost done now! A friend from work hung the cabinet behind the toilet in the bathroom last night, so now I can finish up the bathroom. It needed some storage badly. I have way too many hair products.

Moo hasn’t ripped up the carpet again…thank goodness.

I had a date the other day…it was good 🙂 I’ve ended the self-imposed dating strike. We’ll see how that goes for me. Who knows, the strike could be on again as early as next week….

Wylie refuses to come out here and help me with my house. But I still love her anyways. (I hope you read this and feel guilty!)

I am going to Toledo next weekend and taking Wy apple picking…cause I’m a nerd…and I love apple picking!

This weekend I get to babysit my friend Scott’s daughter. She’s 3 months old and such a cutie, I’m so happy 🙂 I love little babies.

Hmmmm…what else is going on?

I love my Blackberry. Seriously, don’t get one…so addictive. I find myself waking up at 3am just to make sure that I haven’t had any new emails or that Kerri hasn’t IM’d me in the middle of the night LOL

Oh! Duh! Most important! Jodi’s baby is due tomorrow! Don’t know if its a girl or a boy but I can’t wait to hear 🙂 I talked to her today and she’s slightly dilated, but nothing yet. Hopefully she doesn’t have to go too far past her due date. Her son Aiden turns 2 next week – he’s getting so big!

Ok now all caught up? I think so. Hopefully next post I’ll have some cute pics of Wy and I from the apple orchard. Maybe some of my new dressing room too. I got some Ikea furniture to help me organize my make-up obsession. It looks good and I love that I can find everything now.

Ok I’m outtie. Leave a comment…seriously!

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