Holly-days and Randoms

December 7, 2009 at 1:19 pm (Dog, House, Santa-mas, Thanksgiving)

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. I know I’m a bit late 😉 I decided to forgo the long drive, traffic, and family fight this year and stay home alone. I had some Thanksgiving nachos around 4pm, it was great. LOL

So still plugging away at the house. Didn’t get much done except the leaves the past 6 weeks. Every weekend. Leaves. Leaves. Leaves. I have 2 HUGE Elm trees in my backyard so it was quite a job. But, of all the things I have to do in the yard, I enjoy raking the most. It helps that my neighbor is super cool and we chat while we work. She always tells me I’m doing a good job and she’s proud of me (I require a lot of encouragement LOL).

This week I’m dog-sitting. I like dog sitting. Its fun, easy, and making some extra cash around the holidays is always good.

Here’s a pic of all 3 of them cuddling up while we watched some crappy MTV (they have cable! I was so excited! I stayed up way too late watching Jersey Shore and True Life!)

Mojo tends to stay away from the other 2, he’s not real impressed with the baby especially.

So in between dog sitting I made some cookies. While I was shopping I saw this. It made me laugh.

My Buckeyes turned out great this year but boy what a pain to dip all those things. My kolachi were a bust. I couldn’t find my recipe so I used one online. It was awful. I always have issues with proofing yeast. I swear I’ve never gotten yeast to work correctly for me. And I made some thumbprint cookies with the cherries in the middle. Those taste great, but I accidentally melted the butter while trying to soften it. So they spread out like crazy. They don’t look pretty, but they taste good. I’m going to re-attempt the kolachi and thumbprints this weekend.

Some more random pics I found on my phone:

Its ridiculously drafty in my house. See below (click on them for larger):

That’s how he sleeps…all wrapped up in a cocoon.

He’s the best snuggler:

He sits and stares at me with his nose on my lap until I invite him up to snuggle, then he falls right asleep. So happy 🙂

So my next big project in the house is to start that yellow room that got all wet last winter when the roof leaked. I got the stuff to fix it…I hope. Then I need to paint and re-carpet. I decided to hurry up and start that project cause I’m really missing my knitting. I haven’t knit anything in a year now 😦 All my needles and yarn and books are still packed up and stored in that stupid room. Also, I really really really hate yellow. I’m tired of seeing it.

No Santa-mas decorations this year. Still packed in the garage. I have to go the day after and get all my stuff for next year. If I’m lucky I can find my cards and at least get those out this year, since I skipped last year. Seems like there are just never enough days in the month of December. I haven’t even started shopping yet. Come to think of it, I gotta go! I need to get on amazon.com!

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